Desktop Reviews

We would like to provide you with a brief update and reminder of St.Germains’ Desktop Review resources during this time of COVID-19. St.Germain has an online Desktop Review ordering page set up here. Our Desktop Review resources include, but are not limited to:

  • Screen Report Assessments (SRAs);
  • Record Search with Risk Assessments (RSRAs), which are SBA SOP 50 10 5(k) compliant; and
  • Environmental Record Reviews (ERRs).

Our Lenders Services Team, which is comprised of nine environmental professionals (EPs), is well prepared for any sudden or lasting up-tick in desktop needs from our client base.  By the nature of the Desktop Review products, our EPs can perform all tasks while working remotely. St.Germain personnel are also available to conduct Site inspections related to Modified Desktop Reviews as long as site conditions allow for social distancing.

At this time there have been NO changes to St.Germains’ desktop turnaround times or pricing. If any changes do occur, we will be sure to get that information out immediately, but in the meantime, we are here to help in any way possible. We will be conducting virtual outreach to our business partners in the coming weeks to ensure the desktop services that we provide to you, our valued clients, are uninterrupted.

We also want to inform you, as long as site conditions allow, St.Germain personnel will continue to conduct Phase I ESAs and Transactions Screens under typical turnaround times and pricing.

Feel free to contact, Erin Pike, Grant Austin, or myself if you have any questions. From the entire St.Germain team, thank you for your continued business,

Don McFadden